Nail Polish Tag
March 18, 2012
Hey Dolls,
Here's another fun tag questions i saw on few blogs that i was browsing early and also
since I've just painted my nails I kinda got inspired to do a nail polish tag; So here it goes.... and i tag this to everyone who follows my blog too :) would love to read ur anwers to the questions. xx
1. How many nail polishes do you have?
Around 35 nail polishes..
2. What is your favourite brands of nail polish?
2. What is your favourite brands of nail polish?
My favourite brands of nail polish would have to be Rimmel London & O.P.I as they are long lasting and comes in amazing colours..
3. Do you love or hate crackle nail polish? i love crackle nail polish its amazing and when i first saw it in store & thought whoever came out with this idea is freaking brilliant :)
4. What was your very first nail polish brand?
Frankly speaking i really can't remember..
5. If you had a nail polish line, what would it be called?
Hmm, probably Magical Rainbows ..
6. What nail polish colour does not look good on you?
Nudes .. not my favourite either
7. What nail polish shades do look good on you?
Brown, Pink, Blue & Metallic Gold..
8. Name two of your nail art best friends.
Dotting tool & toothpicks..
9. What is the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
Sally Handsen Nail Polish Remover.. My favourite and is using it till today :)