June 29, 2012

Beauty Tag

June 29, 2012 0 Comments
Hey Dolls,

I was browsing and reading all your interesting blogs when I spotted this tag, sorry if I didn't mention who was it from, cos I was reading all the blogs at the same time.  Anyway all the questions are really interesting and I can wait to get this started.  I'm also tagging this question to the following people and to all who reads my blog.

Ps. let me know if you did these questions :)

1.Yadu - http://dramaticyaduthedramaqueen.blogspot.sg/
2.Miranda -http://mariahlovesmakeup.blogspot.com/

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

Well I won't say that my hair is really curly but more wavy, I still have to use a curling iron to curl my hair whenever I'm getting ready to going out. 

2. What is your natural hair color?


3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?

I used to go to the salon to get my hair dyed, I was really lazy doing it myself and always love pampering myself  :P but since going back to black coloured hair I now dye at home. 

4. How often do you wash your hair?

I wash my hair 5 days a week. I used to wash my locks everyday but I noticed that my hair becoming super thin, maybe it's the chemicals in my shampoo but I stopped washing my hair everyday. 

5. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?

Yup I do my own mani/pedi at home as I get scared of how rough the shops people do nails so I prefer doing on my own.

6. How often to you change your nail polish?

I change my nail polish when it starts to crack or scrape off 

7. How long does it take to put on your makeup?


8. What do you do first? Face or eyes?

I always do my eyes first then do to my face.

9. How often do you wear false eyelashes?

When there's a special event eg. weddings, dinner and dance parties etc  or a nights out with my girls. 

10. Do you do a full face of makeup every day?

Nope  hate it as I have to spend more time in front of the mirror removing everything I applied when the night is up. 

11. Will you leave the house without makeup?

Yes I do but only to stores that's near my house (walking distance)  not to places where I need use public transport ;)

12. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?

twice a week 

13. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?

 I kinda do both :) 

14. How many high end products do you have?

High end...  I only have 2 cause most of the time I prefer using drug store products.

June 22, 2012

Room Makeover

June 22, 2012 0 Comments
Hey Dolls,

From the tittle, I'm sure you have guessed that today's blog post is about my room makeover. Well I have been having the same plain and boring bedroom design, style, colour and I'm getting sick of seeing the same thing.  So before I can get this makeover started,  I informed my dad on my ideas and plans that I want to have in my room and he agreed to give me a helping hand :)  My ideal style is semi vintage, semi modern.  To start off my room makeover, my cousin, sis & I went to IKEA  last Sunday to get a few things and some ideas for my room.  I even took some images from Tumblr on how I want the final look to be :)
More or less I'm super excited, to get this makeover going and to see the final look.  So stay tune for the final look soon :)

Pictures from Tumblr

 Pictures from IKEA

The bed frame from IKEA

Wall Display

Victorian style mirror

Vintage looking pillow case

graphic looking pillow


A skeleton looking lamp

Beautiful flowers

Close up :D

Follow Me @seema.dias
