Acne Episode
July 19, 2016
It has been awhile I have spoken about acne but if you have read my previous post, you will know that i suffer from mild acne on my cheek area and that my skin was progressing well after so long, until the recently, I have noticed small breakouts forming on my cheeks that somewhat became worst. I am not very sure of what might be the cause for my acne to reappear, surely it did take me by surprise.
My cheeks looked so red as if I have slapped on a pack of blush. Everyday has been a struggle because whichever product I had used before was now not helping me fight away my acne. I know using makeup on the acne is the last thing you would want to do, but I felt like I have no choice since I work facing customers and I did not want people coming up to me looking all grossed at my face.
Having the dependence of makeup surely did give me confidence to hide my acne/ redness until I remove my makeup, that is when i feel and see the ugliness and cry staring at myself in the mirror. Even though my family members have been very supportive and constantly reminding me that my skin condition is not the worst. I however, have so many questions on my mind - "why does it have to be me suffering", "why isn't anything I do working" or "why can't I have spot free skin".
I did see my GP and have asked for a referral letter to see a dermatologist,till that appointment is fixed in a month's time, he has given a lotion to apply which may reduce the size of the acne a little. I did re-looked into my entire lifestyle by keeping track on my meals, my fluid in takes, facial cleansing routine and changing minor ways in order to get me seeing a change. Day by day, I try not to be bothered by my acne, even though it is constantly on my mind. I have been placing ice onto my cheeks as and when I could to help reduce the redness and did see slight improvement, but I am still not all confident to leave home barefaced.
I truly understand what it must feel to be stared in public for my peers whose are dealing with acne that are alike or worst from what I am sharing. I hope that every acne sufferer does find a healing solution on dealing with acne so you are not constantly bugged on worrying. I would be happy to share any solutions/tips that have worked for me and the updates with my dermatologist.
Till my next post, Take care