January 29, 2014

# weekly inspiration

Weekly Inspiration 1

Hey Dolls,

I was on http://usagi-bun.blogspot.sg reading on something she posted when I came across something interesting about a weekly inspiration board, where she had made a collage about the things that would help her to get inspired for the week. Looking at all the beautiful pictures she had put up, I thought that I could also give it a go, I mean what better way to get inspired if I had a collage of things I love and want do or learn for the week. So for this week, I have came out with this inspirational pictures (below) to get me started. Like me, I got inspired by Bella's blog and this too can inspire you. Till then.. enjoy !!

Thank you for reading. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hey thereee! :) I looked through your blog and I have to say one thing: It's beautiful! hope you keep it up! thanks for stopping by! I'm your new follower, by the way. I followed you via google friend connect. Hopefully you do the same thing as well!
    have a nice day girl!! :)

    xx Jillian (http://itsjilliansday.blogspot.com)

  3. Congrats on restarting up your blog! I took took a hiatus after I first started my blog. It can be a lot of work to juggle everything in the beginning. & Hard Work always pays off. Wishing you the best on your endeavours!



  4. I love these inspiration posts!I feel like not many people do it! Thank you so much for sharing!



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