February 8, 2014

# fitness # staying in shape

Weekly Inspiration #2

Hey Dolls,

How is everyone been over the week? This week my focus is on Fitness.  In my new year's resolutions list one major area I wanted to focus on was fitness, staying in shape and being healthy.  I have always wanted to have the perfect body or be super skinny like the girls that you see on tumblr, and also fit into a smaller sizes. For now my weight (should I say body shape is neither skinny nor pump but in between). I became inspired of being fit when I was reading on something relating to keeping shape and feeling good and my goal was to drop a pound or two. For me its always tough to keep up with a plan when I have so much things happening, but NO EXCUSES cause I really want this change badly for myself and would do anything to reach for it..  Its not that I don't like the way I was before but this time round I want a little change, to push myself to achieve something that I have been slagging off for a long time. It's been a month and a half now, I have been working out 5 days a week and have been eating healthy. I  every part of it.. (like I said its tough but if you put your heart to it) I'm sure I can achieve my goal. I'm hopping to see results of my hard work in the months to come :) Here are some pictures that motivates me, hope it does help in some way if you too want a change..

* I know fitness,staying in shape and having a perfect body is a sensitive issue for some girls but these are my personal opinions and I didn't mean to hurt anyone in the process of writing this post. 

thanks for reading :)


  1. great post dear <3
    would you like to follow each other ? let me know :*

    xoxo fashboom.blogspot.com :)

  2. Fitness is always a great resolution anytime during the week. In fact it's always better to start sooner than later!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Following you on GFC :)
    Keep in touch!

  3. I totally understand what you mean when you say that it's such a sensitive topic for us, girls. But I think that your approach is definitely very understandable and reasonable! No matter what body shape you are dealt with, it is important to be happy with how you look and to perceive yourself as beautiful despite your physical appearance! But I definitely do agree with you on the whole healthy part. I think it's very mature and so amazing that you're exercising and maintaing a healthy diet! Props to you,girl! I hope you stay strong and you are a happier, healthier person :)
    Wish you all the very best and can't wait to hear more on your updates! xx

    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

  4. Gorgeous inspiration! I'm following you back on Bloglovin now, but your GFC isn't loading! Let me know when it's fixed and I'll follow ASAP :)

  5. Nothing wrong with aspiring to be more fit because in the end you only have one body, and being more fit = better health! Best of luck on your gym routines lovelie~~

    Would love to keep in touch via IG/GFC
    xoxo, Mango ❤
    MangoRabbitRabbit's Blog | Valentine's Day: Sophisticated and Sexy!

  6. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting! I'm now following you on Bloglovin :) Please follow me back so that we can keep in touch! Lovely blog!

  7. Love the pictures! Great inspo :D
    Sorry it took so long but I would definitely love to follow each other. :)
    Following you now, hoping you would do the same.
    Glitter And Blush

  8. I lovee fitness as well! :) keep on going lovee, you're doing great! as long as your healthy! that's all that matters! :D I'm following you! Hope you follow me too!

    love always,



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